
model activity task class 11 english part 1

model activity task class 11 english 2021 model activity task class 11 english pdf model activity task class 11 pdf model activity task class 11 bengali model activity task class 11 part 1 model activity task class 11 2021 model activity task class 11 answer
model activity task 

পশ্চিমবঙ্গ মধ্যশিক্ষা পর্ষদ কর্তৃক যে সমস্ত মডেল অ্যাক্টিভিটি টাস্ক প্রথম শ্রেণী থেকে দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের জন্য দেওয়া হয়েছিল, সেই সমস্ত প্রশ্নের নির্ভুল এবং যুক্তিসম্মত উত্তর আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটে দেওয়া হয়েছে। এছাড়াও ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের সুবিধার্থে এই সমস্ত উত্তর গুলিকে ইউটিউব ভিডিওর মাধ্যমে বুঝিয়ে দেওয়া হয়েছে।

 আশাকরি, আমাদের এই প্রচেষ্টাটি সকল ছাত্র ছাত্রীরা পছন্দের সহিত গ্রহন করবে। অনুমান করা যেতে পারে যে, 2021 সালের সমস্ত পরীক্ষা (যেমন: মাধ্যমিক, উচ্চমাধ্যমিক) গুলিতে এই মডেল অ্যাক্টিভিটি টাস্ক থেকেই প্রশ্ন আসবে তাই আমাদের তরফ থেকে সমস্ত ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের কাছে এইটাই নিবেদন থাকবে যে তােমরা এই মডেল অ্যাক্টিভিটি টাস্ক এর প্রশ্ন এবং উত্তর গুলাে ভালাে করে প্র্যাকটিস করবে।

Model Activity Task Class 11 English Question and Answers Part 1 

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Question And Answers:


1. "In any case, we couldn't have kept a criminal like him in the house." - Who is the speaker?  Whom does "criminal" refer to? What message is conveyed by this sentence in the story?

Ans: Mr. Sivasankar is the speaker here.

Sidda is refferred to as criminal.

Mr. Sivasanker's final words connveyya negative message. He could not have kepta criminal like Sidda in his house. In fact, Sidda was not a criminal at all. He was proved innocent. But Mr. and Mrs. Sivasanker could not free themselves from their mental complex. Their class outlook was the cause of their distrust in Sidda. They were blind owing to their material desire too. They tried to judge everything externally. They never belived that the poor could possess the noble qualities of life. This was why the failed to count on Sidda's earnestness in his service. Hence Mr. Sivasanker finnally decided to dismiss Sidda.


2. In the poem Upon Westminster Bridge how does Wordsworth describe the different the singhts seen in early morning?

Ans: In the vision of the poet, the air in the London is clear and smokeless. It seemed like after the sun rise and about the beauty of the morning. The sun as the 1st splendor and the dawn is brightened and glittered. The morning in London is so calm and peace. Here the London has been compared to a living being taking rest.

3. Write the significance of the title in the comedy of Errors.

Ans : The Comedy of Errors is a fearce by William Shakespeare. It is about mistaken identity and disordered perceptions, which are made right by the end of the play, leading all of the characters to end up in a happy and peaceful life. The play is driven by puns and buffoonery and improbably situations.

4. Why was the adversity of the forest of Arden preferred to the courtiers life?

Ans: The atmosphere of As You Like It is rural and pastoral. Early in the play we find that the atmosphere of the court and the city is vitiated by jealousies, rivalries and antagonisms. But the atmosphere of the forest of Arden is entirely different. In the forest Duke Senior realizes that the uses of adversity are sweet. He finds the life of the forest to be more acceptable than the life of the court.

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