
Model Activity Task class 6 English (1, 2, 3, 4) All Part Answer

Model Activity Task class 6 English 2021
Model Activity Task

পশ্চিমবঙ্গ মধ্যশিক্ষা পর্ষদ কর্তৃক যে সমস্ত মডেল অ্যাক্টিভিটি টাস্ক প্রথম শ্রেণী থেকে দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের জন্য দেওয়া হয়েছিল, সেই সমস্ত প্রশ্নের নির্ভুল এবং যুক্তিসম্মত উত্তর আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটে দেওয়া হয়েছে। এছাড়াও ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের সুবিধার্থে এই সমস্ত উত্তর গুলিকে ইউটিউব ভিডিওর মাধ্যমে বুঝিয়ে দেওয়া হয়েছে।

 আশাকরি, আমাদের এই প্রচেষ্টাটি সকল ছাত্র ছাত্রীরা পছন্দের সহিত গ্রহন করবে। অনুমান করা যেতে পারে যে, 2021 সালের সমস্ত পরীক্ষা (যেমন: মাধ্যমিক, উচ্চমাধ্যমিক) গুলিতে এই মডেল অ্যাক্টিভিটি টাস্ক থেকেই প্রশ্ন আসবে তাই আমাদের তরফ থেকে সমস্ত ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের কাছে এইটাই নিবেদন থাকবে যে তােমরা এই মডেল অ্যাক্টিভিটি টাস্ক এর প্রশ্ন এবং উত্তর গুলাে ভালাে করে প্র্যাকটিস করবে।

Model Activity Task Class 6 English Question and Answers All Part 

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Question And Answers:

Model Activity Task English Part 1

Activity 1

Rewrite the following sentences using the past tense of the underlined verbs.
(i) The lady extinguishes the candle before she goes to sleep.
Ans. The lady had extinguished the candle before she went to sleep.

(ii) The track callides with the bus on the highway.
Ans. The  truck callided with a bus on the highway.

(iii) Students gather in the auditorium for they want to show respect to the new teacher.
Ans. Students gathered in the auditorium for they wanted to show respect to the new teacher.

Activity 2

 Find out the most suitable following words for the following expressions from the list and write them in the space provided.
(i) Assembled Spectators or listeners at a public event 
Ans.  Audience.

(ii)Something that deceives by false impression 
Ans.  illusion

(iii) A man's dinner jacket 
Ans.  tuxedo.

Activity 3

Make sentences with the following word clusters:
(i)but never thought : 
Ans. I studied hard this year but never thought I will be the first boy.

(ii)Saw a man :
Ans. I saw a man with a bunch of flowers.

Model Activity Task English Part 2

Activity 1

Complete the following sentences with information from the text -
i)The Spider was desperate because it wanted to 
Ans. Meet it's Target.

ii)The next morning the king found a 
Ans. sturdy web hanging from the rock walls.

iii)The king learnt a good lesson to see 
Ans. how desperate the spider was to meet its target.

Activity 2

There are some errors in the following sentences, find them out rewrite correct sentences-
i)I saw an pretty bird sitting on an window sill.
Ans: I saw a pretty bird sitting on a windows sill.

ii)My younger sister wants an yellow balloon from the seller.
Ans: My younger sister wants a yellow balloon from the seller.

Activity 3

Suppose you bought a rubber ball from a shop.The shopkeeper put that ball in a small box and wrapped the box with colourful paper. After you opened the box at home there was something else instead of that ball. Write your experience about what happen next in about five simple sentences.
Ans- When I opened the box at home I become shocked to find a duster in it. Then I went to the shopkeeper and inform him about the wrong supply of item.
      I request him to replace the wrong item with right one. He refused to do so as he was strong enough on his opinion that he had supplied the right product. On returning home I found a neighbour of mine was waiting for me with the packet containing my rubber ball.

Model Activity Task English Part 3 

Read the poem carefully and answers the question that follow :

Boats sail on the rivers, And ships sail on the seas,

        But clouds that sail across the sky
        Are prettier then these.
There are bridges on the rivers,

        As pretty as you please,      

        But the bow that bridges heaven,      

        And overtops the trees,
        And builds a road from earth to sky,
       Is prettier far than these.

                      Activity 1

(a) ships sail on the - i) rivers, ii) seas, iii)sky
Ans- (ii) seas.

(b)the rainbow makes a bridge from the earth to -i)the sea, ii)thetrees, iii) the heaven.
Ans-(iii) the heaven.

(c) Across the sky sail -i)the clouds, ii) the road, iii) the boats.
Ans-(i) the clouds.

Activity 2

Write "T" or "F" statements in the given boxes :
(a) The rainbow is compared an arrow 
Ans- F

(b) The louds are more beautiful than the boats and the trees
Ans- F

(c) The bow rises over the seas
Ans- F

Activity 3

Give the adjective forms of the following words:


Activity 4

Suppose one day went with your brother to a countryside where you suddenly saw a rainbow after a little shower of rain.Write in your own words how you enjoyed the moment in five complete sentences that you experienced.Also Draw a picture of the rainbow and the landscape.   
Ans- The first thing I feel when I see a rainbow is delight. They are so beautiful, and one doesn't get to see them every day. Next I feel gratitude. I'm grateful that I get to see it, and I'm grateful the natural world is so beautiful so often.
   Then I feel a little frison between knowing that the physics of rainbows are completely understood, no mysteries are involved, and yet they are so beautiful and so surprising when they happen

Model Activity Task English Part 4

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :

He caught hold of a little net and dipped into the water. He brought the little doll out. But she slipped out and fell on to the table banging her head.
   She began to cry. Up came policeman doll and said fiercely, "What are you doing, catching the doll and making her bum her head like that ?"
"I was saving her from drowning!" said Tuffy.

Activity 1

Fill the chart with information from the given passage:

Tuffy wanted to pick up the tittle doll from the water.Tuffy dipped the net into the water.
The little doll fell on to the table .The doll banged her head.
The little doll began to cry.The police man talked fiercely.

Activity 2

Classify the underlined words of the given sentence in the correct columns. one is done for you: 

1. Suger is sweet.
2. This is my book.
3. You should carry an umbrella while going out.
4. My mother has long hair.
5. Give me a glass of water.


Countable noun
Uncountable noun
Umbrella Hair

Activity 3

Make Sentences with the following words. 

1. Despair- Ha gave up the struggle in despair.
2. Sturdy- Ramesh is sturdy boy.
3. Mystified- I am mystified- I just can't see how he did it.
4. Rescue- A brave man rescues the child from drowning.
5. Exciting- I have watched an exciting cricket match between India and Australia.

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